Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Another try at this...

For most of my time in Richmond, Virginia I spent a good amount of time keeping a functioning Livejournal on the website of the same name. However over the past 8 months the winds of change have blown me in all sorts of unpredictable directions that I could never have imagined. Wonderful roles in fabulous plays, union memberships, teaching oppurtunities, and of course the biggest of them all... the looming moving to Missoula, Montana (Go Big Griz!). And in all the hub bub, my Livejournal faded into obscurity. Lonely, un-touched, and maybe... just a little sad.

So, since I will pretty much start my life anew out west under the craggy slopes of the Rocky Mountains, I mark my departure from Richmond with the inaugeration of a new blog. New beginnings, new mindless ramblings!

Who woulda thunk that a young man from South Bend, Indiana who could barely get himself cast as a tree in high school theatre productions would someday end up an Acting Professor at a major university where all the radio and television call letters begin with the letter "K".

So as I depart Richmond, my home for the last three years, I leave you, the reading public, with this blog. I don't really know what it will become... but here we go!

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